aug 2, 2018 | 100dagarpsykosyntes, Citat
Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor. Thich Nhat Hahn
aug 1, 2018 | 100dagarpsykosyntes, Artiklar
Att arbeta med visuella bilder är en viktig teknik i psykosyntesens utvecklingsprocess. Vi bär inom oss olika självmodeller, som bilder av den vi är. Att medvetandegöra de inre självbilderna eller delpersonligheterna är ett första steg och ett mycket viktigt steg i...
jul 31, 2018 | 100dagarpsykosyntes, Litteraturtips
The Will to Meaning: Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy by Viktor E. Frankl About the book: Holocaust survivor Viktor E. Frankl is known as the founder of logotherapy, a mode of psychotherapy based on man’s motivation to search for meaning in his life....
jul 30, 2018 | 100dagarpsykosyntes, Citat
Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself instead. Rumi
jul 27, 2018 | 100dagarpsykosyntes, Citat
An alternative phrasing of the core of European existentialism is that it deals radically with that human predicament presented by the gap between human aspirations and human limitations (between what the human being is, what he would like to be, and what he could...