dec 5, 2018 | Citat, Psykosyntesbloggen
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. The Buddha
dec 3, 2018 | Litteraturtips, Psykosyntesbloggen
Den fullbordade livscykeln, Erik H Erikson Om boken: Här blickar den kände forskaren, antropologen och psykoanalytikern Erik H Erikson tillbaka på sin tankebyggnad utifrån den sista livsfasen, där han själv befinner sig, “vishetens, förtvivlans och försoningens...
nov 28, 2018 | Citat, Psykosyntesbloggen
If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life. Abraham Maslow
nov 26, 2018 | Litteraturtips, Psykosyntesbloggen
The drama of the gifted child, Alice Miller About the book: Miller’s wide and profound book about childhood trauma has provided thousands of readers with guidance and hope, and is essential reading for those interested in psychology, psychotherapy, and...
nov 21, 2018 | Citat, Psykosyntesbloggen
The ultimate goal of therapy… it’s too hard a question. The words come to me like tranquility, like fulfillment, like realizing your potential. Irvin Yalom